Norwegian Snowshoes Started it All

Ski jumper on Norwegian snowshoes at Hot Sulphur Springs in early days of Colorado skiing. USFS photo.

The earliest skis in Colorado were long, wooden ones called Norwegian Snowshoes, which were impossible to turn. And so, skiers didn’t turn for the longest time; I mean, they just went straight downhill.

Folks also used the skis for ski jumping, which was the extreme sport of the day in many parts of the state, starting in 1911 in Hot Sulphur Springs, home of the earliest Winter Carnivals in Colorado. The town also had a newspaper—and a newspaper editor with a sense of humor.

He wrote an account of one wild ride downhill—fictionalized if not pure fiction—which appeared in The Middle Park Times on January 30, 1914 with the headline, “Judge Kennedy’s Wild Ride.” You can read the entire story in Lost Ski Areas of Colorado’s Front Range and Northern MountainsHere’s a little taste of it:

There are two rides in our nation’s history that are sacredly popular. One is “Paul Revere’s ride” and the other is “Washington’s boat ride across the Delaware” on that memorable Christmas night. Thus far, our nation’s historians have not taken cognizance of a third ride. But it happened this way. Last Sunday afternoon, every able-bodied man in town was called into service to erect the tower on the summit of the hill at the head of the ski course. Most of the men on the hill had skis on and it was suggested that they coast down the hill. Among others who were on skis was Judge Kennedy of the county court. Charley Free and Ed Chatfield suggested that the Judge coast down the hill. “I’m game,” said the Judge. Charley got the toes of the skis straight in the ski trail, while Ed attended the heels. Everybody in town had at least one eye on that hill. Finally Charley shouted, “All aboard! Let ‘er go!” Chatty yelled, “All ready, skiddo!” Zip—and the chief dignitary of the county court was on his way at a terrific and suffocating rate of speed…

Miners in the southern part of Colorado and ranchers in most of the state used Norwegian snowshoes to get around in winter. You can read about them in Lost Ski Areas of Colorado’s Southern and Central Mountains.

In Irwin, near Crested Butte, miners started sharing their skiing prowess early on. “About 1886 we had a ski club that attracted much attention all over the country. We gave exhibitions on the steep hillside just south of town. We gave the fastest runners first second and third prizes or real worth usually gold stick pins made to order. Had folks from Gunnison and other towns such as Montrose, Delta, Grand Junction, Salida and Denver come to the exhibitions at the Buttes…”




Olympians and CO’s Lost Areas

Colorado’s lost hills and ski areas launched the careers of athletes in the United States for the Winter Olympics.

A very early winter Olympian was ski jumper Anders Haugen. In 1919, he skied over Loveland Pass to the site of the Prestrud Jump at Dillon Reservoir—the hill is now under water—to take part in a competition. He set a world record of 213 feet. The next year he came back and set a new record of 214 feet. He was captain of the U.S. Olympic team at the first Winter Olympics in 1924 in Chamonix, France.

Some twenty years later, Robert L. “Barney” McLean skied the areas around Hot Sulphur Springs: Bungalow Hill, Mount Bross, and Snow King Valley. Grand County Museum Director B. Tim Nicklas said about him, “Barney McLean, many can argue, is the best skier to ever come out of Colorado. He has twelve national championships for both jumping and alpine, and he was captain of the 1948 Winter Olympic Team.”

Maggie Armstrong skied on Maggie’s Hill at Hot Sulphur Springs in the 1960s. She remembered a substitute teacher at her one-room schoolhouse in Parshall. Johnny R. Cress took the students skiing on Thursdays at the hill. He also skied Nordic Combined on the U.S. Ski Team at the 1960 Squaw Valley Olympics.



Happy 2017–2018 Ski Season! Remembering Lost Area in South Park

Sticker on bench made out of snowboards at Indian Mountain.

When you’re driving through the vast South Park on your way to well-known ski areas and mountain communities, try to envision a ski area right there.

Indian Mountain operated about ten miles southeast of Jefferson and served a local community.

One summer, the authors went there to investigate. We walked the old runs  and took pictures of remaining signs of the old lifts. We also found an old sticker for the area on a bench made of snowboards.

You can find out a little more about Indian Mountain in the Lost Ski Areas of the Front Range and Northern Mountains book.

Have a fun and safe ski season!


Interview on KPOF 91 AM

With the fireweed blooming in the mountains and the aspen leaves changing up high, our thoughts naturally turn to the approaching ski season. Today we spent an hour early in the morning at “The Breakfast Table” with Roy Hanschke, Denise Washington Blomberg and Gordy Scott, sharing on KPOF 91 AM the story beneath the story of Colorado skiing.

For the Christian audience of “The Point”, we told how humble people, many of whom were Christians, brought the ski culture to the state initially. Pastors were motivated to help young people by creating hills and areas where they could spend time skiing. Also, early skiing was based on a system of older, experienced skiers mentoring younger ones, which was passed down through the years.

We also shared about how blessed we were to have this project at a difficult time in our lives—it helped us lighten up!—and how the Lord seemed to connect us with just the right people across Colorado as we worked on it.

Our books are meant to be fun and we hope KPOF listeners and others enjoy them! We hope you enjoy them.

Thank you, KPOF 91 AM!

Skis for Horses

In honor of the stock show and all the folks who helped skiing get started in Colorado by offering their hills for runs and their tractors and trucks to power tows, here’s a good story found in Lost Ski Areas of Colorado’s Central and Southern Mountains.

Colorado’s ranchers, farmers, and tradesmen have always been very mechanical and ingenious. They had to be. For example, this vehicle was equipped with skis to help CDOT employees take care of the roads and skiers on the roads in early days. But did you ever hear of someone putting skis on horses so their owners could go places in deep snow?

The Colorado Division of Transportation (CDOT) used this vehicle to take care of the roads and early skiers. USFS photo.

Well, here’s just one such story, which was published in 1884 in the Rocky Mountain Sun.

A freighter named Brockman recently brought his horses from Summitville to Baker’s station on snow shoes. The shoes were made of wood, two inches thick, eight inches wide and eighteen inches long, and were fastened to the horses feet by means of wires and straps. The shoes were fastened on, and after a few days of practice in Summitville, the horses learned the modus operandi of the scheme, and on Monday Mr. Brockman rode one horse out over from fifty to one hundred feet of snow, while the second horse pulled a sled loaded with provisions over the same course.

You’re not sure whether this is real or not? Neither are the authors, who found the story while looking through old newspapers online.

Thanks to Colorado’s ranchers and tradesmen for their contributions to Colorado ski culture!


Local Man Places Geocaches at Lost Ski Areas

Cacheologist  Jim Wulff, of Evergreen, came with his wife to Where the Books Go where the authors appeared for a local author event on Saturday, December 3, 2016. It was great to meet them.

Look who showed up at Where the Books Go in Evergreen: Jim Wulff, CacheOlogist.
Look who showed up at Where the Books Go in Evergreen: Jim Wulff, Cacheologist.

We didn’t know that Jim has been placing geocaches at the lost ski hills and areas of Colorado, and were happy to learn about his efforts.

According to Jim’s blog (Cacheology: Caching With Cachet) he has been making a variety of hides since March 2008.

Maybe you’d enjoy geocaching in regard to the lost ski areas of Colorado? Check out Jim’s blog and contact him through it.

Authors interviewed by Ryan Warner on CPR’s “Colorado Matters”

The host of “Colorado Matters” on Colorado Public Radio interviewed Caryn and Peter about Lost Ski Areas of Colorado’s Front Range and Northern Mountains on November 12, 2014.  Listen here.

DCF 1.0

Ryan Warner interviewed the Boddies about Lost Ski Areas of Colorado’s Central and Southern Mountains on January 5, 2016. Listen here.

Buy here from the authors. We’ll sign the books for you and ship them free.

Shed at Redstone. Caryn Boddie photo.

What Are These Books?

Boys-at-Berthoud-cropped-USFS-photoIn Colorado, there is a story beneath the story about the state and skiing. It’s a history that was being lost—and it’s a fun history.

There are over 140 lost ski areas in Colorado; that is, people created and skied many areas throughout the state and then closed them for various reasons. These two books by Caryn and Peter Boddie take you on a tour of these places and introduce you to the areas—with all great details, including GPS coordinates of the areas. We also introduce you to the early skiers through words and historic images.

Buy from the authors here and we will be happy to sign books before we ship them, but please let us know in “Order Notes” to whom you would like us to sign them. If you don’t instruct us, we’ll sign with a general phrase, such as “Enjoy!” or “Enjoy your tour of Colorado’s lost ski hills.” For a limited time, we will give free shipping for books order from us.

If you have memories to share about lost ski areas in Colorado, please share them on this site. Also, we’d love to have you review our books here.

Thanks and enjoy! Caryn and Peter Boddie